What kinds of posts should you expect? I plan on using this blog to post and disseminate the following things: course information (including the syllabus and the schedule of dates and assignments), essay prompts, and useful background material on our texts. I also might add other things as the semester goes on, like discussion questions or external links and information. Generally, I plan to use this blog to communicate with all of you between class periods; I don't plan on posting too frequently, but I want to use this tool to engage each of you on a daily or bi-daily basis.
For now, I want to encourage all of you to GO AHEAD AND START READING OUR BOOKS FOR THIS SEMESTER! We have seven novels to get through, and if you begin now, it will help you keep up as the semester goes on. I imagine a lot of you are going to be with family for the holidays, and I don't know about you, but for me, that's a great time to get reading done.
If you're going to start reading, start with Cormac McCarthy's THE ROAD. It will be the first novel we discuss, and it's also a pretty easy read. For those of you who are already considering the "watch the movie instead of read the book" move, I would caution you against it: although I imagine the movie (which should be here around Christmas) is pretty faithful to the book, I think you are much more likely to "get" the movie if you have already finished reading McCarthy's text. As always, the novel offers an author a more transparent canvas for introducing themes than a film offers its director, and although I am personally crazy about movies, I think (at least in this case), you should do the reading first. So, go ahead and get started, and if you have any questions, you can either email me directly (kennycamacho@hotmail.com) or post them here. I'll check this site at least once each day.
Take care, and I'm looking forward to meeting all of you in January.